Working with joy and performing good
Here you will find everything you will need for Working with joy and performing good. The vision and the tools are based on research and they are applied in many organisations.
Happiness at work
Happiness at work is a verb. 'Working with joy and performing good' only arises if people get to work with it. To do this, tools and a underlying vision are available.
How can we create Happiness for our clients? This question has been taken up by several care organisations. Also in private surroundings and in education the sources of Happiness have proven their worth.
Personal leadership
Setting your path and holding on to it in an ever-changing environment. Gaining strength from inspiring goals and dealing with circumstances.
Getting to work with Happiness at work and Happiness
Kouwenhoven Consultancy can be invited for providing lectures and workshops. Entire workplace assessments can be outsourced to us.
Do you want to put the mental legacy of Happiness at work or Happiness to work in practice? That is possible with the training Seven Sources Coach. After the two day training you will get access to a website with all materials and tools. You'll be able to get to work independently. Where necessary you will use Kouwenhoven Consultancy as your sounding board. Two times a year the national network of all coaches come together. Experiences, the latest improvements and the finer points of the field are shared.
The seven sources of Happiness at work
In this successful book you will find a clear description of all the sources of Happiness at work. You will find your way in the clear theorie and the many examples. You will read how you can use these sources for yourself, for a team and for an entire organisation. A seperate chapter is devoted to 'arguments for an investment in Happiness at Work'
Goal orientated wandering
Hiking is a striking metaphor for life and work. I have discovered this while writing my book Doelgericht zwerven about my hike from Delft to Assisi in Italy. The book is a source of inspiration for participants of the programs about Personal Leadership.

Mandy van Schie
Sinds het jaar 2020 werk ik als zelfstandige met teams en individuen.
Ik geloof dat als medewerkers zich gehoord en gezien voelen, en iedereen zijn kwaliteiten kan inzetten, je ijzersterke teams bouwt met blije medewerkers én klanten als gevolg. Ik ga graag praktisch met teams aan de slag en met het gedachtegoed van arbeidsvreugde en levensvreugde is dit precies wat we doen.
Het gedachtegoed arbeidsvreugde is mijn primaire werkterrein.

Kees Kouwenhoven
Sinds het jaar 2000 inspireer ik mensen om op hun werk en in privé hun deuren naar vreugde open te zetten. Daarbij werk ik zowel met organisaties met duizenden medewerkers als met individuele personen, die op zoek zijn naar vreugde. Zo geef ik in mijn werk invulling aan mijn persoonlijke missie ‘Vreugde scheppen’.
Het gedachtegoed levensvreugde is mijn primaire werkterrein.