About us

Hier maak je nader kennis met ons bedrijf en de drijvende krachten achter ons bedrijf.

Our mission

In 1999 I discovered my personal mission: ‘to create happiness’. With this mission as my guidance I have developed ‘Happiness at work’ and ‘Mental legacy happiness at work’. I enjoy the privilege of having many different organizations and individuals supporting and contributing to this realisation. Tens of thousands of people have cooperated. It fills me with gratitude and thankfulness that together we have managed to enlarge the happiness of many others. 

In 2010 I have made a hike from Delft to Assisi in Italy together with my wife Loes. For months we’ve strolled through Europe with only a backpack. It was a beautiful experience. In my book, ‘Doelgericht zwerven’ we tell the story of our pilgrim walk. The book tells our experience in twenty-five capturing stories. The beauty of the landscapes and the intimacy of the different townscapes is illustrated by Loes in twenty aquarelles.

During our hike I have taught myself many traits like living in the ‘here and now’, to perform within my own capacity, to look for the unexpected and to hold your course. Through a sophisticated three-day-during course ‘Doelgericht zwerven’ these traits are aspired to be conveyed to the course members. There’s no need to make the same journey, which takes months. With great respect I see and behold the changes and turn-arounds that the course members have made to their lives. I have seen heroes who have managed to, in spite of difficult circumstances, find their path towards happiness. 

The driving forces behind Arbeidsvreugde.nl

Mandy van Schie

Mandy van Schie

  • Verantwoordelijk voor het gedachtegoed van arbeidsvreugde.
  • Arbeidsvreugdecoach
  • Levensvreugdecoach
  • Trainer voor het gedachtegoed Arbeidsvreugde 
Kees Kouwenhoven

Kees Kouwenhoven

  • Verantwoordelijk voor het gedachtegoed van levensvreugde.
  • Levensvreugdecoach
  • Arbeidsvreugdecoach
  • Trainer voor het gedachtegoed levensvreugde
Tanja Hoornweg

Tanja Hoornweg

  • Trainer voor de opleiding Arbeidsvreugdecoach 
  • Arbeidsvreugdecoach
  • Levensvreugdecoach


My customers love to implement new ideas. Discovering new methods inspires my clients and if required, they are willing to take risks. During that process, creativity, perseverance and a positive attitude are extremely helpful. My customers are not only big companies. I have supported independent entrepreneurs with forming their company and making it more successful as well. Doing this I use my experience gained working in a big consultancy business for sixteen years and being an independent entrepreneur for twenty years. 

A sample of the many dozens of organizations who have enlisted my help:

Landelijke dekking

De Arbeidsvreugde- en Levensvreugdecoaches zijn professionals die als zelfstandige of in organisaties werkzaam zijn. Zij hebben de opleiding Arbeidsvreugde- en/of Levensvreugdecoach gevolgd. Hierdoor beheerst elke coach, naast de eigen expertise, over de kennis en instrumenten behorend bij het gedachtegoed. In een tweejaarlijkse netwerkdag wordt deze kennis en de instrumenten onderhouden en vernieuwd.

De coaches zijn werkzaam in het hele land. Adviesopdrachten worden in heel Nederland uitgevoerd. Bent u benieuwd naar de ervaringen en resultaten van anderen? Wij brengen u graag in contact met ervaren coaches of opdrachtgevers.

Corporate social responsibility

Inspired by my mission I strive to contribute to a flourishing society, with creating more Happiness at Work as an intrinsic part. Social service institutions, unable to afford advisors, can call on me. As an example; I have trained volunteers of Intermezzo in Zwolle to be a seven source coach of mental legacy. In this post cancer-care centrum for both survivors and relatives find inspiration to take matters into their owns hands again and to regain lost strength. 

I am more than willing to make my knowledge and experience available to, for instance, a food bank or a drop-in centre. I also support initiatives for the benefit of children. For example reducing bullying.